
Connect will emit a success event when the user has successfully completed all required authentication and verification:


When parsed, will result in the following JSON

  "op": "success",
  "element_type": "connect",
  "entity_id": "ent_WyDmJnQgaxVRH",
  "accounts": ["acc_PFUNazUbpUpfm","acc_gjWr4Cb8H7TLz"]

This will list all of the accounts that were consented and connected to at least one of the products passed into the Element token creation (Note: Some accounts are ineligible for some products).

Other Events

For more granular information about specific actions a user is taking, auth and account_verification will emit the following events.


Auth will emit a variety of events that describe how the user is progressing through the authentication process. Most events are of the following form:


STEP will reference a step during the auth process: INTRO, NAME, PHONE, PHONE_VERIFY, DOB, ADDRESS, SSN4, SECQ, and CONSENT.

ACTION will refer to the action the user took: OPEN, CONTINUE, SUBMIT, and CLOSE.

Note: Not all steps will have all actions, and that there are a few actions that do not follow this pattern

For example, if the user was prompted for the last 4 of their SSN, then submitted their info and was directed to the DOB page, you would see the following events:


Account Verification

Account Verification will emit a variety of events using a similar structure to auth:


STEP will reference a step during the account verification process: ACCOUNT_LIST, LEARN_MORE, and ACCOUNT_VERIFY.

ACTION will refer to the action the user took: OPEN, CONTINUE, SUBMIT, SKIP, and CLOSE.

For example, if the user was prompted to verify their credit card, then submitted their info and was directed to the success screen, you would see the following events: