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Overview of Method Elements

Method Elements is a collection of embeddable UI components that enhance and simplify your app's payment features. This allows you to securely collect information from your users. Tokenization, account creation and connection, and payment checkouts are all handled on your behalf.

Method Link

Elements Environments

Method Elements share the same env environments as the Method API. Method Elements should be launched in the same environment in which the element_token was generated.

➡️ See Method Environments for more info. (Development) (Sandbox) (Production)

Element Flow Overview

Each element flow begins with generating an element_token with specific initialization options through the Method API. This token will then be used to initialize the element within your app to complete a specific flow.

1. Create Element Token

Depending on your user's journey within your app, your app's backend will request for an element_token corresponding to an entity from the /elements/token endpoint.

Note: Each element_token is only valid for 30 minutes after it has been created, and can only be used once.

2. Initialize Element

Using the element_token, Method Elements will be initialized with the intended Element for your user.

3. Handling Element Events

While your user interacts with an Element, events will be triggered for your app to handle. Each element flow will be different, therefore the completion depends on which Element is being used.

Method Elements


The Auth Element allows your users to automatically connect all their debt accounts into Method by verifying their identity.

➡️ Intro to Auth

➡️ Auth Implementation Guide


The Pay Element allows your users to seamlessly make payments between their connected Method accounts.

➡️ Intro to Pay

Balance Transfer

The Balance Transfer Element allows your users to securely transfer their credit card balance to another account.

➡️ Intro to Balance Transfer