Method has three primary API environments. Development, Sandbox and Production share similar functionality with minor differences. All building should be done in the Development and Sandbox environments. All activity in the Production will be billed. Your team will have separate API keys for each Method environment. Keys are available under the Keys section in the Method Dashboard.

Development, Sandbox and Production share similar functionality with minor differences listed below. All merchant data is the same across all environments.


➡️ We recommend building your integration in the Development environment. All data / payments is mocked.


➡️ We recommend switching to Sandbox once you are ready to test your integration with live data.

  • Entities: Limited to a pre-defined whitelist. Contact your Method CSM to set up / modify your sandbox whitelist.
  • Payments: 20 transactions / month ($1 limit / transaction)
  • Products / Subscriptions: Limited to your contracted products and subscriptions. All endpoints are live and will perform real data and money movement.


➡️ Go live with your Method integration with unlimited live payments; all requests are billed. 🚀