The AccountVerificationSession is pending. For micro_deposits type, this state indicates that the micro-deposit transactions have not yet been sent. For all other types, this means that the verification session has been created but not yet updated with any data.
The AccountVerificationSession is in progress. For micro_deposits type, this state indicates that the micro-deposit transactions have been sent and the session can be updated with the amounts to complete verification. This state is irrelevant for all other types.
The AccountVerificationSession has been successfully verified.
The AccountVerificationSession has failed verification based on the provided data. See error for details.
The card expiration verification check result. If this is fail, that indicates that the card could not be verified given the expiration data, and the AccountVerificationSession needs to be updated with the correct expiration data to complete verification.
The verification check passed.
The verification check failed.
The verification check is unavailable due to a restriction by the card networks.
The card cvv verification check result. If this is fail, that indicates that the card could not be verified given the cvv, and the AccountVerificationSession needs to be updated with the correct cvv to complete verification.
The verification check passed.
The verification check failed.
The verification check is unavailable due to a restriction by the card networks.
To verify a checking or savings account, two small amounts between $0.20 - $0.99 of money will be deposited into the ACH account, once received (within 1 - 3 business days) the account holder will then verify the amounts (in cents) that were deposited.
The ACH Account is verified by providing balance and transaction data from Plaid.
The ACH Account is verified by providing balance and transaction data from Teller.
The ACH Account is verified by providing account and transaction data from MX.
The ACH Account is auto verified based on whitelisted routing numbers for the team.
The ACH account is verified automatically upon creation, if this configuration is enabled for the team.
The Liability Account is verified in real-time by the isuser by providing the full account/card number.
The Credit Card Account is verified in real-time by the issuer and card networks by providing the full card number, expiration date, and cvv.